Thank you for committing to Team YOU.
We’re thrilled to welcome you!
Now, how do you make as big an impact as possible?
Effective messages clarify truth and inspire action. But if nobody hears or sees them, they are like that tree falling alone in the forest.
Our Team Coup opponents are LOUD, taking up lots of space with their lies and conspiracy theories. We need to unify and magnify our voices to break through the din.
Let’s Talk Messaging Mechanics
There are more of us than there are of them. When we speak as one, our collective voices can drown out our anti-democratic foes and move democracy’s champions to action.
Grassroots Messaging Works amplifies Team YOU by providing an aligned campaign of effective messages to counter anti-democratic disinformation. We offer these messages for sharing on your social media accounts with just a few clicks.
Amplifying this way is easy for every member of Team YOU—even if you are new to social media.
The Team YOU Messaging Campaign
Team Coup vs. Team YOU frames our model messaging campaign—and tells the central story for 2022.
EVERYONE in the country needs to know the simple choice before us:
Will we elect leaders who are on Team Coup, or with Team YOU?
Will our democracy march forward toward a more perfect union, or wither at the hands of anti-democratic villains?
Team Coup is just the newest face of the long-running faction that has always served the interests of a wealthy few. Many Americans don’t yet understand that this tiny group opposes democracy because majority rule threatens their unearned, undeserved power. A healthy democracy threatens the way this faction’s dark-money donors hoard resources and evade taxes. The will of the people threatens the power of their allies and minions in political office. Democracy defies the faction’s favorite trick, pitting group against group to hide the real problem: corrupt, unaccountable government run by the few, for the few.
Team YOU is the rest of us—We the People—who want an America that works for everyone, not just the wealthiest and most privileged. To take back our national story from this faction, let’s rally our fellow Americans to support Team YOU in every way. Ask people to vote for Team YOU in every election, up and down the ballot, from school board to state legislator to United States Senator, and to stand up against Team Coup everywhere. Every vote counts, and every election matters.
Start sharing Team Coup vs. Team YOU messages on social media!
We've partnered with SpeechifAI to provide two-click social media sharing on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
You can share our pre-written content as is, or you can personalize it with a few simple clicks. When you pick and click, you share and promote in concert with fellow activists nationwide.