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 Don’t just take our word for it.

Our Grassroots Messaging Works model messaging campaign builds on the teachings of historians, journalists, and activists who’ve been sounding the alarm for decades.

We offer here a curated selection of sources to get you started.

Table of Contents

  1. Messaging Mentors: Practical strategies for reaching the pro-democracy and persuadable voters we need to win in 2022 and beyond

  2. Democracy Champions: Inspiring and insightful chroniclers and scholars of current events

  3. Checking for Truth: Journalists and commentators holding the media accountable, plus select sources of reliable polling data and analysis

  4. Democracy versus Tyranny: An examination of the crossroads we face as America teeters between authoritarianism and liberal democracy, the tactics false populists use to push countries toward tyranny, and political strategies for a robust response


First, let’s learn from our Messaging Mentors.